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Keep your financial history wherever you go

Mifundo enables instant access to banking and credit services for those moving within Europe – so no one has to start over.

Designed specifically for cross-border professionals

Whether you’re moving for work, returning home after years abroad, or buying property in another country, Mifundo ensures your financial history moves with you. No need to start over – your reputation and creditworthiness is always recognized by banks across borders.

  • 97% of foreign people are rejected from banks as it is not possible to assess their credit risk

  • Mifundo makes your credit information visible for banks

  • Create your Passportable Financial Identity with Mifundo

How it works?

  • Create your Passportable Financial Identity – instantly access your credit score and financial profile. 

  • Find the right bank – moving to a new country and don't know which bank to approach? Mifundo helps you choose the best bank for your needs.

  • Seamless data sharing - if you already have a preferred bank, they can securely access your financial data through Mifundo.

  • Your data, wherever you go - with Mifundos' Passportable Financial Identity your data moves with you, wherever you go.

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Designed specifically for cross-border professionals

Mifundo was created from personal experience—we understand the challenges faced by people moving across Europe. Our goal is to solve the issues caused by fragmented credit data, ensuring that you can live, work, and move freely across Europe without financial barriers or limitations.

Keiu - moving back to Estonia after 16 years in Spain

After 16 years in Spain, Keiu (our Chief Porduct Officer) moved back to Estonia. Despite having a strong credit history and stable income, her mortgage application was rejected. The banks told her to wait at least two years to build a local credit history. If Mifundo had been available in 2019, Keiu could have secured a loan and bought the house she always dreamed of.

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We are featured by

  • Mastercard and top-tier banks in Northern Europe selected Mifundo among TOP15 most promising fintech companies

  • Mifundo won 2 awards in Europe Fintech Awards 2023 - Startup of the Year and LendTech of the Year

  • TOP6 finalist in the startup and technology flagship event Latitude59 

  • Finalist in Euro Banking Association annual event EBAday

Your are safe with us 

Your privacy and security are our top priorities. Mifundo uses state-of-the-art encryption and complies with all EU data protection regulations. Check the Data Processing Principles.

  • Licensed by Estonian Financial Supervision Authority

  • Secure platform (TLS security and 256-bit encryption)

  • Fully compliant with GDPR requirements.

EAS logo

Building the prototype for the Cross-Border lending Project was supported by European Union through European Regional Development Fund and Enterprise Estonia. Grant was in the sum of 35 000 euros and total cost of the project was 52 560 euros. 

Cross-Border lending powered by Artificial Intelligence is supported by European Union through European Regional Development Fund and Enterprise Estonia (project number 2014-2020.4.02.21-0372). Project period is 12.02.2021 - 31.12.2023. Grant is in the sum of 691 260,05 euros and total cost of the project is 1 069 189 euros. 

Mifundo is funded by European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator through blended finance scheme, containing a grant component in the sum of 2 499 999 euros and equity funding of 6 300 000 euros.